Tuesday, April 15, 2008

The Cooperative Way

Things aren’t as simple as they used to be. I appreciate tradition and traditional values, but like everyone else I must make decisions based upon today’s current events. PEC, which dates back to 1938, has a tradition of providing great service at affordable rates. That’s the cooperative way! In that spirit, PEC should make decisions based on what’s best for its customers. After all, they are the owners of the company! The 2008 PEC Board of Directors elections are a good example of tradition joining up with current events.

Looking at the bigger picture, we see clearly there is a great deal of change occurring in the electric industry. The population growth in our area and the rising cost of power are challenges we need to tackle and solve. Exploring alternative energy sources while simultaneously continuing the delivery of affordable power to all of our members is one of our greatest challenges.

We will need to figure out a way to manage the increasing electricity needs caused by the growth in our region while staying on top of providing excellent service to the many people who move into the area. They expect good reliability, customer service, low rates, and a company that listens to its owners. We can’t stop progress, but we have the ability to plan for the growth. Taking advantage of these opportunities is vital in ensuring that we stay competitive and responsible in managing our member’s interests.

Traditionally, the local cooperative does more than provide electric service to the community; in many areas, it’s a major economic driver. As the PEC mission statement explains, our co-op is committed to the community and to enhancing the quality of life in Central Texas area. Because we are owned by our members, we should take this aspect of our business very seriously.

Progress is blind to county lines. Co-ops have a role in not just providing power, but in making our communities good places to work and live. As I meet other cooperative members from across the area, I am impressed with how active cooperatives are in their communities. With the recent changes in management and Board membership, PEC must now work to regain the trust of its members. In order to do that we must ensure that the Board of Directors is composed of qualified, dedicated and highly regarded individuals who have real experience relevant to the cooperative’s operations and who understand the complexities of the cooperative’s business environment.